Welcome to Jungleland
Hello, everyone! I’m an early adopter of WordPress (I jumped from LiveJournal to WP with no Blogger/Blogspot in between), and I usually never leave the “Hello, World” post up. But, hey, why not?
I’m an editor and admissions coach by day but moonlight as a vintage seller, sewist, DIYer, and crazy cat lady. I also kill plants on the regular. In the past, I once made hundreds of friendship bracelets, did many cross-stitch and latch-hook projects, and started far more crochet granny square items than I ever finished. But I’m trying to change my ways. That why I’ve been meaning to start this blog for a long time. I plan to document any creative efforts that I undertake, as a way to hold myself accountable, and learn some new things along the way. Sign up at right if you’d like to come along for the ride! —>
I always have too much in my stash, so many items will be listed for sale. You can find me on eBay, Etsy, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Click around to see more:
Hope you enjoy your visit!